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February 2017 Draft Minutes
Antrim Parks & Recreation Commission
February 9, 2017
The meeting was called to order at 7:08 pm.
Parks & Rec Commissioners:  Joan Gorga, Isaac Lombard and Chris Morris
Recreation Director: Celeste Lunetta
The minutes from the January 12, 2017 meeting were approved as written.
Town Gym
Floor. NE Sports Flooring examined the gym floor, performed a moisture survey and made recommendations:
  • The floor is dry across all areas except beside the outside walls.
  • Drainage around the outside walls needs to be improved.
  • Patching or “buff-and-recoat” will not work.
  • A floor refinish (full sand and recoat) would improve much of the unevenness, but not all, and would cost ~$13,000. The floor sqeakiness would not be improved, but the refinish would likely last for many years on a dry floor.
  • Full floor replacement would cost ~$65,000, and would completely fix the problem, as long as the drainage was fixed.
At a Feb 1 meeting with School Board reps Crista Salamy, Rich Cahoon and Dick Dunning, ConVal Facilities Director Tim Grossi, the Antrim Selectboard, the Parks and Rec Commission and the Antrim Rec Director:
  • Some argued for full floor replacement, while others thought a full sand and recoat would be sufficient.
  • Full floor replacement will not be in the ConVal budget in the next few years, with a huge renovation project planned, nor will it be in the Town budget for the coming year.
  • We had consensus on finding out how much it will cost and what would be required to fix drainage issues.
  • We agreed to establish a “best practices” policy for floor maintenance.
  • We agreed that the same people should take care of the floor from year to year. ConVal offered to take over maintenance, with Antrim paying them.
Parks & Rec Commission conclusions:
  • The gym is a Town facility with a lot of history. We are invested in its care and maintenance and want to be in charge of the facility.
  • We prefer proper maintenance for the long term, not quick fixes.
  • We need to set a timeline with deadlines for decisions.
  • Budget meetings will be held in April; we will aim to have the floor plan set by our April 13 meeting.
  • Any major floor work to be done this year will have to be targeted for August.
ConVal agreement. Renewal of the Town Gym agreement is past due. We should have a draft of the agreement ready to discuss at the March Parks & Rec meeting and be ready to present it for ratification in April:
  • We will look to take out the statement that both parties must agree on work to be done.
  • We will insert language saying that Antrim is in charge of the facility.
  • We will include a contingency saying that if the District and the Town part ways, the District will provide the Town with half the cost of future replacement of the gym floor.
Shea Field
Ice Skating. Setting up the ice skating rink was a lot of work, but we have ideas for making it easier next year. About 8 people came out for the first night of skating under the lights. People are also using it during the day, many of whom are new people who don’t participate in other programs. Several people have offered to help, including one person who professionally maintains a skating rink. After the initial fill by the Fire Department, Celeste and Monica have been topping off the ice with water from AES. Celeste will pay ConVal $35 for the water.
ConVal agreement, maintenance budget. Working with Celeste, Pete will set out a year-long maintenance plan so we can determine what we can manage in-house vs. what we need to contract out. We will find out in April if ConVal will be contributing $4000 toward Shea Field maintenance.  
Memorial Park
Maintenance. In the fall we got a quote on crack repair for the tennis court. We will decide at our next meeting what we should do to get the court ready for spring. The Highway Dept has promised to wash the mold off the court. Celeste will also speak to the Highway Dept about improving the mowing this summer.
We still have not heard from Joe Valley about repairing the Bandstand spire. We will contact others, perhaps it could be a woodworking project at ConVal or a Boy Scout project.
Some of the features at the Skatepark need to be painted. The extra Skatelite for repairs is still up at Waterville Valley. Painting and repairs could possibly be a Scout or Lions Club project.
Antrim In The Evening. We discussed ideas to improve low attendance at some of the programs--whereas the kids’ programs generally bring out a lot of people, attendance at the adult band programs has been low the last few years. Some ideas: contradance, swing dance, ice cream truck, feature local artisans & bakers, have refreshments/concessions. Celeste will try to schedule 7 nights in July and August.
Recreation Department
Update. Celeste is showing movies again on Friday nights. She is trying some adult movies after the kids’ movie. About 40 people showed up for one movie recently.
Celeste is working with the NH astronomical society to do programs at Gregg Lake at the end of March or early April with family and adult activities. Also discussed were possible trips to a bike park or a Foxwoods trip.
Summer camps will run for 4 or 5 weeks after July 5. Before and after camp care will be put back in.
Gregg Lake
Watershed Management Plan Grant. The full application for funds from NHDES/EPA to support development of a Gregg Lake watershed management plan was submitted on January 31.
Beach. Possible uses for any funds received from Antrim Wind were discussed. Parking lot repairs to manage runoff may top the list.
The next regularly scheduled Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting will be Thursday, March 9th at 7:00 pm at the Rec Office.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 pm.
-Joan Gorga, Chair and Secretary